Singles Ministry
The Singles Ministry helps people seeking to marry another Christian.
If you want to be a part of a Ministry responsible for helping other Christians find marriage, you are needed here.
If you are interested in becoming one of this Ministry’s leaders, let the Church know.
The leaders will be responsible for every aspect of this Ministry and work with our Shepherd to make sure this Ministry is successful.
All people 18 years old and older can join this Ministry to seek marriage. You can view and communicate with other singles. The Ministry Leaders can help to match singles upon request. If you are not seeking marriage, you will not be allowed in, or if you are already in and it is discovered you are not here for marriage, you will be removed.
Singles Ministry Helps People Marry
If The Lord is not at the center of your relationship you are wasting time.
If you do not know what it means to put The Lord at the center of your relationship then you are in the right place.