Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:

“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:
“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”


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Take Your Place | Sermon 1A - 01/01/2023 | Servant JW Zepeda

This Sermon Was Not Written Before Hand It Was Given Completely In The Spirit

Sermon 1B

These Sermons were late in posting due to technical difficulties and timing issues.

The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few.

The video quality could have been better, but it would have delayed things further, and in an effort not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, it is posted as is. Indeed if the video quality is why people do not watch, you were not ready to receive the message anyway.

We are working on improving the methods and processes. However, until then, we are working with what we have available, and I am working with the schedule I have at the moment. We will get better, and our Father knows our hearts.

Highest Regards,
Servant JW Zepeda



Sermon: ” The Way” | Alpha – Click Here  |  Sermon: ” The Way” | Omega – Click Here

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