Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:

“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:
“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Volunteer For God | Serve

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Volunteer ministry

Our Ministries are groups of believers coming together to serve The Lord’s Needs

James 2:17.

“So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”

Where There Is Faith And Devotion, There Are People Who Serve And Help Others. Volunteer For God.
Each of us has something we do better than most, whether or not we know it or have the courage to admit it.


1 Corinthians 12:4.

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”
We need your help and service.

Volunteer For God.

You can join as many Ministries you’d like.

This Service Ministry helps people seeking to marry another Christian.

This Service Ministry helps men grow in Christ, and be their best selves.

Women’s support group and ministry—teaching and support

This Service Ministry helps women grow in Christ, and be their best selves.

Quit drinking ministry

This Service Ministry helps those recovering from bad drinking habits or alcoholism.

Drug abuse support services ministry

This Service Ministry helps those recovering from drug habits or drug addiction.

Childcare ministry

This Service Ministry helps takes care of children.

Counseling service ministry

This Service Ministry can help with mental health issues, including drug and alcohol addiction.

Homeless help

This Service Ministry helps keep you from being Homeless and helps others who are Homeless.

We want to provide free healthcare to all

This Service Ministry helps people who have healthcare needs they cannot afford—Medical, Dental, Vision, and Prescription help.

Coaching ministry

This Ministry is for those interested in helping with our sports leagues and sports in general.

Worship ministry

Single men with no kids, can join a group of men who have no kids or wives, while other men with families can join groups with families.

Administration ministry

This Ministry takes care of all the Church’s administrative needs.

Hospitality ministry

This Ministry exists to make all those around and engaged feel welcome and appreciated. This Ministry also makes sure The Lord’s House is ready for family to come over, and the grounds included.

Logistics ministry

This Ministry is part of the brain of the Church. It will plan all events and coordinate with other Ministries and others to ensure things get done as planned.

Networking ministry

This Networking Ministry contacts and builds relationships with the community and beyond to help accomplish our Mission.

Strong hands ministry

We need people who can help with any physical need the Church may have.

Prayer warriors

This group dedicates itself to learning how to pray and commits to a prayer routine.

Outreach ministry

This Outreach Ministry is the mouth, hands, and feet of The Lord Jesus Christ, by bringing His Love into the World.

Security ministry

This Security Ministry serves to keep Almighty God’s people safe. Volunteer for God.

Skilled services ministry

We need people who can handle different services, or a single service listed below in the "Read More" link.

Sports ministry

If you Love sports, people, and see how sports teaches life lessons that can help us be better Christians, we need you.

Youth support group and ministry—teaching and support

Here our youth will find lifelong friends, and together they will be shown how to be better Christians, Loving, Confident, and Responsible.

Technology ministry

This Ministry is responsible for any tech need the Church may have, from website upkeep to video production and editing to digital marketing.

Transport ministry

If you can drive a car, drive a big truck, drive a boat, fly a plane, volunteer your transport vehicles, or fix any of the transports mentioned above, you are needed here.

Volunteer ministry

If you want to help the Church in any need it may have and cannot decide on another Ministry, you can be a General Volunteer.

Volunteer For God.

Serve Him Who Gave You Life | Volunteer For God Now