Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:

“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:
“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Sports Leagues | For All Ages

Sports Leagues For Health, Learning, and Growth

Sports ministry

We will use sports to have fun while growing and learning valuable Christian life lessons.

This Ministry presents the opportunity to grow as Christians while having fun getting or staying in shape.

We will set up leagues and teams to compete against other teams and leagues around the community and country—for those who would like (joining is not mandatory to be a part of the Sports Ministry).

We will bring in experts to help train and coach while growing in The Lord.

Groups will be broken down by gender and age groups.

Ages 5–120 years old will be grouped by their age.

For example: 6-year-olds will be with other 6-year-olds as much as possible.

Contact Us To Join Or Serve

Sports Teach Life Lessons That We Ground in The Lord

Sports league

Sports Leagues for all ages

Coaching ministry
Sports ministry