Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:

“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Shepherd’s Passion Church Mission:
“To Spread The Good News Of Almighty God And His Son The Lord Jesus Christ By Putting Their Love In Action.”

Christian Dating Support Group

Christian Dating

This group is for people seeking to marry another Christian.

Meet your soul mate. Your lifelong partner.

Are you ready to find the person you can settle down with, start a family and live forever with? The Lord Jesus Christ will be the glue that will keep your family together.

Meet someone committed to following “The Way” of The Almighty Father and His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Learn how to Love and be someone another person can live with forever by joining a Men’s or Women’s Group in this Church.

All people 18 years old and older can join this Ministry to seek marriage. You can view and communicate with other singles. The Ministry Leaders will also try to put together people who make a good pair if you like. If you are not seeking marriage, you will not be allowed in, or if you are already in and it is discovered you are not here for marriage, you will be removed.

Contact Us If You Need Help Or You Want To Serve.

Christian Dating For Free For People Who Want Marriage

Christian dating
With him in the lead we can succeed
Must be seeking marriage